Why Hire An Aircraft Broker?

When it comes time to sell an airplane, many owners are faced with the question of whether to use a broker or handle the sale themselves. Although there is a potential cost associated with working through a broker, the process of engaging a broker can be incredibly beneficial and provide far greater returns than attempting to sell the plane on one’s own.

Engaging a broker to handle the sale is the surest way to maximize the aircraft’s resale value. Aircraft brokers are professionally trained and knowledgeable experts that are well-versed in the aviation market and understand the various makes and models of planes on the market. They are intimately aware of how to best price the aircraft based on its condition, the current demand for its model, and its market value. Brokers can advise owners on how to prepare the aircraft for sale, how to address any safety items to attain the highest dollar value, and how to make the most of each buyer opportunity.

In addition to market knowledge, brokers are well-equipped to properly market the aircraft to the widest possible range of potential buyers. This customization is present from the start, through the listing of the aircraft, which emphasizes the key selling points and reinforces the aircraft’s value. Knowing how and where to advertise is a specialty brokers have, and it allows them to create the ideal channels to reach the right buyers. When it comes to the sale, brokers can handle all the paperwork, from title transfers through to legal documents.

A broker’s interpersonal skills also come into play when selling an airplane. The role of a broker is to mediate between the buyer and the seller, and to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the sale. Selling an aircraft can be an emotionally stressful process, and brokers are sensitive to this and can be key agents in creating a harmonious atmosphere during the negotiation process.

At the end of the day, using a broker when selling an airplane is a good way to promote the aircraft and get the most out of it. The extra cost involved pays off when considering the extra value a broker can inject and the added expertise they possess to ensure a successful sale. Our team is here to deliver that added value to you. Give one of our team members a call at 757-724-6047 to get started!

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