Swedish Airline Replaces Regional Jets with Turboprops

Commercial Turboprop - Norfolk Aviation - Aviation News - Aircraft Brokerage

The entire aviation industry is researching new ways to be more environmentally friendly amid the need for climate change action. One way an airline is reducing its CO2 is by using a new model of turboprop aircraft instead of a regional jet.

The Swedish airline Braathens Regional Airlines (BRA) has a long history of firsts in environmentally friendly aviation. It was the first to earn an environmental certification to ISO 14001 standards back in 2009. The first to offer biofuel pre-booking flights in 2018. Also, the first to offset 110% of its greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. The airlines’ goal is to become fossil-free by 2030 and this latest edition could be a great contributor.

The turboprop BRA invested in is called the ATR 600 series. The ATR 72-600 model emits 40% less CO2 than regional jets and older turboprops. On short-term regional flights, the aircraft uses less power and less fuel, which is ideal for producing fewer emissions

According to an independent agency that rates environmental, social, and governance, Vigeo Eiris, the partnership between the aircraft and airline is aligned with the ‘green’ loan principles (GLP) established by the Loan Market Association in 2019. These principles are outlined to support environmentally sustainable economic activity.

This could be the start of a change in regional aircraft around the world. At Norfolk Aviation, we’re committed to giving you the latest information on what’s happening in the aircraft industry. As your trusted partner in aircraft brokerage, we’re committed to helping you soar to new heights in 2020. Contact us today, whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or customize your aircraft. We have the experience and expertise to make 2020 your year to fly.

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