Nearly $2 Billion in COVID-19 Relief Grant Funding Will be Available to Airports


the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Program.

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg was interviewed about the new grant program.Norfolk Aviation - COVID Relief Bill - Aircraft for Sale

“President Biden has made it a priority to deliver immediate relief to our transportation sectors and their workers, ensuring they can continue to provide essential services through this pandemic and beyond”

The program is fully funded under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) of 2020. The CRRSAA was just signed into law on December 27 of 2020. It is being offered to more than 3000 commercial service relief, as well as publicly owned general aviation airports that are registered in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems.

The majority of the funds are set toward helping to keep people safe, as well as helping airline employees to keep their jobs. Funds will also go toward reimbursing airports for operational expenses, debt service payments, and costs related to combating the spread of pathogens in the airport. The program also has money included for concessions that had to close operations inside of their airport that need assistance with rent payment relief. Many restaurants, stores, and concession stands had to close down and or lost significant revenue and are in renters’ debt. Astley, the program will support FAA contract towers for items such as cleaning and sanitizing facilities that have been affected by COVID-19 cases.Private Aircraft - Norfolk Aviation Sales - Norfolk Aviation VA - Aircraft for Sale Norfolk Virginia

“The announcement is one of many steps we are taking to protect the health of America’s travelers and workers while keeping our nation’s airport operations and related small businesses up and running,” Buttigieg said.

Any airport wishing to apply for the grant must do so by no later than June 30, 2021.

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