Aircraft Painting Services

Paint schemes – there are many to choose



From factory original configuration to modern graphics and colors. Our design team will work with you and present a drawing of your expectations, including color choices. We will adhere to this design throughout the production process.

Quality and quality control




Our shop personnel are properly trained and led by experienced aircraft painters. Our facility has separate staging areas for pre work evaluation, paint stripping, surface preparation, paint application, and completion. A checklist with more than 31 points must be checked off individually through the process by qualified technicians-ensuring all events are completed correctly and no steps are missed.

Our clean and dust free area allows paint to be applied to clean surfaces without contamination, resulting in a high quality finish. This benefit is not available from most aircraft painting companies.

An FAA licensed Airframe and Powerplant technician will balance and reassemble the aircraft control surfaces and accessories. The aircraft will be reweighed for an updated weight and balance document.


When you choose Norfolk Aviation , and specify Axalta™ Imron® (formerly Dupont Imron), you get more than paint—you get the industry benchmark in color, appearance and productivity. While some manufacturers make similar claims for their finishes, only Axalta™ Imron® has a proven history of durability, high quality and innovation.


Norfolk Aviation offers Sherwin-Williams Aerospace propducts. An aviation market leader for more than 80 years, Sherwin-Williams Aerospace Coatings provides all types of coatings products for all types of aircraft. Sherwin-Williams has 80+ Years of Aerospace Industry Excellence.

Our Work

We know that a picture speaks over 1,000 words.  Our professional aircraft painting team is dedicated to providing the best aircraft painting quality possible.  We can take your aircraft and bring it back to life with a high quality paint job while also adding great value.

Check out the before and after pictures of our latest aircraft painting jobs.

“I just wanted to tell you and your painting crew how much I appreciate the quality of your paint job. We really appreciate your efforts. I consider it a superb job!”
Jack D.

View Some of Our Recent Finished Work

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